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Profile of

Our Beneficiaries

Children are admitted under different groupings – abandoned/relinquished babies, toddlers, orphans, children living with HIV, girls in need of protection from abuse, children from abusive/ unsafe life situations, abused minor girls and unmarried mothers.

A more detailed description of our grouping system is mentioned below:

  • Family Background

    • All those admitted belong to needy families.

    • Their families (comprising of abusive parents / single parents / only relatives and no parents) live either on the roadside or in a slum which is unsafe for girls.
  • Unmarried Mothers

    • Young, unmarried girls who are pregnant.

    • Some have been abandoned after they got pregnant, some are rape victims. They are mostly from needy families and have to work to survive or to support their families.
  • Babies relinquished

    • Babies relinquished by unmarried mothers

    • Babies are relinquished through a legal process by unmarried mothers as these young mothers are unable to live with the stigma attached to being unmarried mothers, in our country. They are unable to provide for their babies, would not be accepted by their families, and would not be able to hold jobs if they have a baby to care for.
  • Babies, toddlers, children

    • Abandoned Babies, toddlers, children under 3 years of age

    • These children found in various places are brought in by the police and placed here by the Child Welfare Committee for safe custody. Some of these children are given in adoption, after a thorough home study and through legal procedures.
  • Missing children

    • Children reported as lost

    • Lost children that are found and brought to us by the Police are helped to find their families.
  • Orphans

    • Children without parents

    • Children who have no parents, may or may not have relatives.
  • Trauma/Abuse/Violence Survivors

    • Children who have experienced trauma, abuse, violence or those who have to be protected from it.

    • Children who have experienced trauma, abuse, violence or those who have to be protected from it.  Some of our children come from very painful life situations as presented below:

    • – Girl witnessed the father murdering the mother

    • – Girl witnessed the mother burning to death

    • – Parents taught the girl to steal

    • – Parents forced the girl to beg on the streets

    • – Parents or relatives or employers physically abused the girl

    • – Parents neglected the girl – Some have a single parent who is unable to care for the girl, either due to extreme poverty or being mentally challenged

  • Girls Living With HIV

    • Girls Living With HIV

    • Most of them do not have parents or may have a parent who is living with HIV and is unable to care and provide for them.
  • Sexually abused girls

    • Minor girls rescued from the flesh trade or sexual abuse

    • They may be from any part of India or even outside India: (e.g., Bangladesh) as they have been sold into brothels or massage parlours in Mumbai. Some belong to families wherein prostitution is a way of life. Some have been sold into the flesh trade by their own families, neighbours, relatives or friends.